Your art on a world tour!
For the first time, World Wide Galleries offers emerging artists the chance to present their artworks globally as part of a world tour. The ART WORLD TOUR takes the art of 50 selected artists on an exciting year-long journey around the world, stopping for exhibitions at major art hotspots, first-class galleries and fantastic art shows - all awarded the World Wide Galleries Label (learn more about the label here).
The total value of all sponsored prizes is over EUR 200,000!
With exhibitions in Miami and Basel during the world-renowned Art Basel, New York, Amsterdam and four other fantastic destinations, World Wide Galleries has put together a one-of-a-kind worldwide exhibition tour.
A total of 3 winning artworks will be selected from all applicants, which will be allowed to complete the entire world tour in their original form. For 12 other applicants there is the opportunity to win participation in the ART WORLD TOUR in the form of a personal art catalogue, which will be displayed at all exhibitions. A one-year art sponsorship through the art platform ARTBOXY
(www.artboxy.com) awaits 35 applicants, which makes it possible to also participate in the world tour with artworks in digital form.
All artists are welcome to apply with a selection of 5 artworks on the subject of "Life".
The participation fee is EUR 129.
Place 1 - 3
The winning artworks go on a world tour. All costs are paid, including transport, insurance and marketing. There are no additional costs for the winners!
Place 4 - 15
A personal art catalog is designed by a professional team for each artist ranked 4-15 . The catalogs also go on the world tour and will be shown at all exhibitions!
Place 16 - 50
The artists in places 16-50 will receive sponsorship from ARTBOXY for a
1 year premium subscription worth EUR 365. This sponsorship allows you to participate in digital form with 3 artworks of your choice at every exhibition of the world tour.
EUR 200,000
The total value of all sponsored prizes is over EUR 200,000
World Tour
Los Angeles 01/02 2023
New York 03/04 2023
Basel Art Weeks 06/2023
Swissartexpo 08/2023
Thomson Gallery Switzerland 09/2023
Casa del Arte Spain 10/2023
Lelie Gallery Amsterdam 11/2023
Miami Artweeks 12/ 2023
The technique and the size of the works of art can be freely selected
Deadline November 30, 2022
Announcement of winners:
December 4, 2022
Up to 5 works of art can be submitted with one application. When registering, you have the option of also presenting a portfolio.
The participation fee is a one-off fee of EUR 129.
There will be no additional costs!